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Interested in Private Practice

The Independent Sector and a Workforce Under Pressure

The RCOT's Workforce Survey exposes pressing issues for UK OTs, such as inadequate staffing and prolonged patient waits. The OT Practice offers independent, client-focused therapy, therefore supporting OTs and improving patient care.

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Interested in Private Practice

Enhancing Quality & Learning: Our New Head of OT is Driving Excellence

Hear from our new Professional Head of OT Paul Cooper as he aims to enhance the value of OT. Central to his role is promoting continuous professional development (CPD), ensuring our OTS meet HCPC standards and offer the best care. To kickstart this, he'll be hosting a CPD webinar, inviting experts to guide OTs on CPD best practices.

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Interested in Private Practice

The OT Show 2023: Bringing Together the Community

In November, the Therapist Network Team return to Birmingham's National Exhibition Centre for The OT Show on November 22nd and 23rd. But the excitement doesn't stop there, as the team offers more opportunities to connect with fellow professionals at the TOTP Meet Up.

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Interested in Private Practice

Empowering Occupational Therapists: Insights from RCOT's Private Practice Conference in Edinburgh

Therapist Network Director Sarah Doyle and Professional Head of OT Paul Cooper ventured north to attend RCOT’s Independent Practice Conference in Edinburgh last week to empower OTs who are considering, or already engaged in, private practice. They were driven by a shared goal: to elevate the OT profession to new heights and reiterate their collective dedication to advancing the cause of OTs

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Our Experts' Blog

CHARITIES: Major Adaptations – Understanding the DFG

In the third instalment of our Educational Series for charities we focus on the Disable Facilities Grant for major home adaptations, providing foundation knowledge and exploring how it can be used to help beneficiaries.

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Interested in Private Practice

The OT Practice Unlocking Learning Opportunities

Are CPD structures meeting learning needs and are OTs really tapping into every opportunity available?

Find out why our associates think working in private practice and exploring new ways of working expands their knowledge.

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Our Experts' Blog

CHARITIES: Addressing basic needs - Minor aids and mobility solutions

In the second instalment of our Educational Series for charities we focus on addressing basic needs, exploring some of the common minor aids and mobility solutions an occupational therapist may recommend.

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Our Experts' Blog

CHARITIES: Introduction to OT – common difficulties and finding solutions.

In this first instalment of our Educational Series for charities we start with an introduction to Occupational Therapy, providing context to future topics in the series and explaining when occupational therapists should be involved in grant provisions.

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Our news & press

Client Testimonial: Mrs H. R.

Mrs H. R. has a number of health conditions that impact her day-to-day life and in 2019 was referred to The OT Practice by her local authority. Following the initial assessment for a broken shower chair, several other items of equipment were recommended to ensure she was safe. Read Mrs R's testimonial as she shares her experience with our OT Elizabeth from 2019-2023.

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Interested in Private Practice

Last Chance to Meet Housing lead Di on the Road: DFG Summit 2023

The next Foundations event that housing Lead Di is due to attend is the DFG Summit in Birmingham on the 22nd June which will explore timely access to DFG assessments for older and disabled people with non-complex needs. Find out how to meet Di.

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