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Articles about

Children with complex needs

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Our Experts' Blog

A professional's guide to EHCPs for children with complex needs

The EHCP is an important component of a child's rehabilitation plan. In this article our aim is to provide contextual guidance to case managers and other supporting professionals on the purpose and application of EHCPs for children with complex needs.

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Our Experts' Blog

Developmental Delays in Children during Lockdown

Tina is an expert Paediatric Occupational Therapist, she specialises in Sensory Integration and over the last year has helped many children with developmental delays. In this article, Tina shares her experiences of delivering remote therapy and shifting her focus onto coaching parents and carers.

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Our Experts' Blog

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Educational Needs of Children Born Prematurely

Catriona is one of our specialist Paediatric Occupational Therapists, helping children with complex needs and life limiting conditions. She is also the founder of a premature baby charity, supporting families following neonatal intensive care. In her article, Catriona highlights the educational needs of children born prematurely and the impact of COVID-19.

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Our Experts' Blog

Remote Services: Enabling responsiveness and the difference it makes to children and their families

Jane is an OT Practice Occupational Therapist working with children and adults, who has helped develop and refine our service for the remote delivery of therapy. Here Jane gives us some insights on how to achieve a successful outcome from remote intervention and in particular how it enables therapist to be more responsive.

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Our news & press

Presenting Paediatric Clinical Team Lead- Lynn

Lynn is our Paediatric Clinical Team Lead, she has been bought on board at The OT Practice to add leadership, specialist training and mentoring to our nationwide OT's. Read this interview to find our more about her and the vision she has for the role.

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Our news & press

The OT Practice delighted to exhibit at Kidz to Adultz South

A great day for The OT Practice as we exhibit at the Kidz to Adultz South show. The exhibition is a great event showcasing products and services for children & young adults with disabilities and additional needs.

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Our news & press

The OT Practice exhibits at Kidz to Adultz North

This November saw The OT Practice Kids team exhibit at the Kidz to Adultz North exhibition show. We were delighted to be part of the exhibition that provides information on products and services to children, their families and OT’s.

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Our Experts' Blog

How and when to source a children’s Occupational Therapist

Paediatric occupational therapy is a specialism of the profession where the OT is able to assess and treat the physical, mental and cognitive aspects of a child’s development. They look at the whole child to facilitate and support them and their family to achieve maximum independence and access the opportunities within the world around them.

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Our Experts' Blog

A professional’s guide to paediatric spinal injury

An OT can support a child that has experienced a spinal injury in all stages of their rehabilitation journey. This guide gives an overview of how Occupational Therapists can provide holistic assessments, treatments and advice to maximise independence and quality of life.

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Our Experts' Blog

Case Study: Paediatric Moving & Handling

Jack experienced a brain injury at birth, resulting in complex physical and cognitive disabilities including wheelchair dependence. This case study highlights how an OT assessed his needs then trained his parents on correct moving and posture for Jack.

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