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Articles about

Seating - wheelchairs & comfy chairs

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How Can Occupational Therapy Help Reduce the NHS’s Bed Capacity Problem?

With the public sector currently in crisis, considering a deeper relationship between the private sector and the NHS is essential. Utilising the independent sector fully will significantly reduce the bed capacity challenges facing the NHS today.

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Our news & press

Introducing Emma, Clinical Team Lead – Housing & Equipment

At the beginning of the year we announced our launch of ‘Specialist Clinical Teams for 2019’. For the first appointment of our clinical leaderships we introduce you to Emma, our Housing and Equipment team lead.

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Our Experts' Blog

A professional’s guide to static seating

This guide aims to provide insight into why and when a seating assessment should be commissioned. Additionally it provides information on how correct seating can be used within rehabilitation and the key factors considered within an assessment.

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Our Experts' Blog

Case Study: Static Seating

A road traffic accident left Jane heavily reliant on her husband and children for physical assistance. Following a seating assessment a static chair tailored to Jane's clinical needs was trialled and selected, allowing her to feel more able, independent and comfortable within her home.

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Our Experts' Blog

FAQ’s for professionals - static seating

Correct seating can dramatically increase a client's functional independence whilst reducing pain and fatigue. Where can chairs be purchased, and what features are most suited to a client's needs? Let our expert OT answer your questions in our latest FAQ.

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Our Experts' Blog

Case Study: Paediatric Moving & Handling

Jack experienced a brain injury at birth, resulting in complex physical and cognitive disabilities including wheelchair dependence. This case study highlights how an OT assessed his needs then trained his parents on correct moving and posture for Jack.

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Our Experts' Blog

FAQs for Case Managers - Moving & Handling

A selection of the most commonly asked questions by Case Managers about Occupational Therapy Moving & Handling.

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Our news & press

The OT Practice is proud to now be working with The Royal British Legion

We are delighted to have been selected to supply OT services to the beneficiaries of The Royal British Legion. It is an honour to be working with such a prestigious organisation to help maximise the independence of veterans throughout the UK.

Our Experts' Blog

Case study in making homes accessible: George’s story

In this case study we meet George and his family, an OT Practice client that needed home modifications after discharge from a rehabilitation setting. Caroline Pomeroy analyses the collaboration between statutory and private therapists with respect to the solutions that were implemented for George and his family.

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